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media keys not working even in active iTunes window

I know the handling of media keys has changed with High Sierra. But my keys are no longer working at all it seems.

I notice the following behavior:

  • With iTunes closed, when I press "play/pause", iTunes will start
  • With iTunes as the active window, "play/pause" does nothing
  • With iTunes as the active window, "previous" does nothing
  • With iTunes as the active window, "next" does nothing

I investigated in and found the following entries when pressing the buttons:


default    15:13:45.425648 +0100    rcd    Request: resolvePlayerPath C54F5D9B-E1AE-40C6-9327-07AA917B3536 for origin-(null)-0/client--0/player-(null)
default    15:13:45.426092 +0100    rcd    Response: resolvePlayerPath C54F5D9B-E1AE-40C6-9327-07AA917B3536 returned origin-desertrose.local-1280262988/client--0/player-(null) with error (null) for origin-(null)-0/client--0/player-(null) in 0.0004 seconds
default    15:13:45.426141 +0100    rcd    Request: Command: TogglePlayPause with options: {
    kMRMediaRemoteOptionCommandID = "031B78EE-DEC9-4338-8E24-7A147652F0D5";
    kMRMediaRemoteOptionDisableImplicitAppLaunchBehaviors = 1;
    kMRMediaRemoteOptionSenderID = "origin-desertrose.local-1280262988/";
} appOptions: 1 031B78EE-DEC9-4338-8E24-7A147652F0D5 for origin-desertrose.local-1280262988/client--0/player-(null)
default    15:13:45.426395 +0100    mediaremoted    Received command from client <MRDMediaRemoteClient 0x7fc244c103f0, bundleIdentifier =, pid = 646, processName = rcd>: <MRDMutableRemoteControlCommand 0x7fc244c24b40, command = TogglePlayPause, playerPath = origin-desertrose.local-1280262988/client--0/player-(null),  remote control interface = (null)>
default    15:13:45.428350 +0100    mediaremoted    Destination app is available but not ready for command <MRDMutableRemoteControlCommand 0x7fc244c36970, command = TogglePlayPause, playerPath = origin-desertrose.local-1280262988/client--0/player-(null),  remote control interface = (null)> -- Enqueueing command for later execution.


default    15:14:27.119159 +0100    rcd    Request: resolvePlayerPath 7DE76278-5F20-4897-BEB3-2A9127BA11A6 for origin-(null)-0/client--0/player-(null)
default    15:14:27.119688 +0100    rcd    Response: resolvePlayerPath 7DE76278-5F20-4897-BEB3-2A9127BA11A6 returned origin-desertrose.local-1280262988/client--0/player-(null) with error (null) for origin-(null)-0/client--0/player-(null) in 0.0005 seconds
default    15:14:27.119746 +0100    rcd    Request: Command: PreviousTrack with options: {
    kMRMediaRemoteOptionCommandID = "30DB1B99-8145-4802-BADA-38583A65C179";
    kMRMediaRemoteOptionDisableImplicitAppLaunchBehaviors = 1;
    kMRMediaRemoteOptionSenderID = "origin-desertrose.local-1280262988/";
} appOptions: 0 30DB1B99-8145-4802-BADA-38583A65C179 for origin-desertrose.local-1280262988/client--0/player-(null)
default    15:14:27.120060 +0100    mediaremoted    Received command from client <MRDMediaRemoteClient 0x7fc244c103f0, bundleIdentifier =, pid = 646, processName = rcd>: <MRDMutableRemoteControlCommand 0x7fc24721a2d0, command = PreviousTrack, playerPath = origin-desertrose.local-1280262988/client--0/player-(null),  remote control interface = (null)>
default    15:14:27.121512 +0100    mediaremoted    No destination client can be found for command <private>, and the option to launch the app was not included. Dropping command.
default    15:14:27.121625 +0100    rcd    Response: Command: PreviousTrack with options: {
    kMRMediaRemoteOptionCommandID = "30DB1B99-8145-4802-BADA-38583A65C179";
    kMRMediaRemoteOptionDisableImplicitAppLaunchBehaviors = 1;
    kMRMediaRemoteOptionSenderID = "origin-desertrose.local-1280262988/";
} appOptions: 0 30DB1B99-8145-4802-BADA-38583A65C179 returned Statuses: (
) with error SendError: ApplicationNotFound for origin-desertrose.local-1280262988/client--0/player-(null) in 0.0026 seconds
error    15:14:27.121704 +0100    rcd    MediaRemote command error 1 handlerReturnStatuses <private>


default    15:14:29.391135 +0100    rcd    Request: resolvePlayerPath CEA81F9B-6365-43FD-9FE6-0B608D37BF1C for origin-(null)-0/client--0/player-(null)
default    15:14:29.391641 +0100    rcd    Response: resolvePlayerPath CEA81F9B-6365-43FD-9FE6-0B608D37BF1C returned origin-desertrose.local-1280262988/client--0/player-(null) with error (null) for origin-(null)-0/client--0/player-(null) in 0.0005 seconds
default    15:14:29.391755 +0100    rcd    Request: Command: NextTrack with options: {
    kMRMediaRemoteOptionCommandID = "BEE3B543-621D-46AB-9FE9-5A5517BF043D";
    kMRMediaRemoteOptionDisableImplicitAppLaunchBehaviors = 1;
    kMRMediaRemoteOptionSenderID = "origin-desertrose.local-1280262988/";
} appOptions: 0 BEE3B543-621D-46AB-9FE9-5A5517BF043D for origin-desertrose.local-1280262988/client--0/player-(null)
default    15:14:29.392131 +0100    mediaremoted    Received command from client <MRDMediaRemoteClient 0x7fc244c103f0, bundleIdentifier =, pid = 646, processName = rcd>: <MRDMutableRemoteControlCommand 0x7fc247003d70, command = NextTrack, playerPath = origin-desertrose.local-1280262988/client--0/player-(null),  remote control interface = (null)>
default    15:14:29.393688 +0100    mediaremoted    No destination client can be found for command <private>, and the option to launch the app was not included. Dropping command.
default    15:14:29.393825 +0100    rcd    Response: Command: NextTrack with options: {
    kMRMediaRemoteOptionCommandID = "BEE3B543-621D-46AB-9FE9-5A5517BF043D";
    kMRMediaRemoteOptionDisableImplicitAppLaunchBehaviors = 1;
    kMRMediaRemoteOptionSenderID = "origin-desertrose.local-1280262988/";
} appOptions: 0 BEE3B543-621D-46AB-9FE9-5A5517BF043D returned Statuses: (
) with error SendError: ApplicationNotFound for origin-desertrose.local-1280262988/client--0/player-(null) in 0.0028 seconds
error    15:14:29.393924 +0100    rcd    MediaRemote command error 1 handlerReturnStatuses <private>

Now I'm at a loss how to tell the mediaremoted where to send prev/next and how to make iTunes "ready" to accept the play/pause command.

Any ideas or help appreciated.

MacBook Pro mit Retina Display, macOS High Sierra (10.13.3), Mid 2015, no touchbar

Gepostet am 22. März 2018 15:24

Frage gekennzeichnet als Beste Antwort

Gepostet am 22. März 2018 15:37

Hello Tabasco,

you might receive a quicker reply if you post this in the English community as more people will be able to help solve this Problem in English:



2 Antworten

media keys not working even in active iTunes window

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