Il semblerait que plus personne ne soit actif dans cette discussion. Si vous souhaitez reprendre la conversation, posez simplement une nouvelle question.


Bonjour, j'ai recu ceci par email, la procédure semble bizzare et l'anglais n'est pas parfait

Quelqu'un peut il me confirmer qu'il s'agit bien de phishing?


Apple ID has been locked
This email is notification for Apple account (

We're sorry, for your protection your apple is automatically disabled until we hear from you.

We have prevented a different sign in location attempt on your Apple account.

We need your help to resolve some problem wiht your account,

Recently we have detect unusual login attemps to your account.
Country: Germany IP Address: Browser: Safari Browser iOS_10.3.3
We have detect someone was accessed your account and now your account access has been locked, you must update your account to unlock your account.

If you do not update your account within 24 hours (from opening this email) your account access will disables.


Apple Community.

Publiée le 29 juil. 2017 à 15h33

4 réponses

Il n’y a aucune réponse.


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