MAC OS Sequoia is not supported by my cloud access site. How do I go back to the previous version?

I updated to the latest version of MAC OS. Then , discovered that pCloud is not yet compatible with the new version. How can I return to the previous OS - Sonoma?

MacBook Pro 16″, macOS 15.1

Publiée le 28 nov. 2024 à 19h43

3 réponses

Le 29 nov. 2024 à 12h27 en réponse à oliver163


I'm not convinced that the problem is with macOS... I also have a pCloud account, which I haven't used for quite a while....

I've just tested it on my computers, one with Sequoia and the other with High Sierra,

the pCloud site takes my email address, but then asks me for a code supposedly sent to this address, a code I never receive...


MAC OS Sequoia is not supported by my cloud access site. How do I go back to the previous version?

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