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Data loss on icloud - file restore not working

On Déc 12th, after following the delete procedure on a Mac Book Pro I own to give it to someone else, my iCloud Drive folder got almost entirely deleted (only few empty folders remain, plus one folder that was shared with another user).

I haven’t been able to retrieve anything from the “recent suppression” folder. The file restoration process on showed 5000 files to restore (I probably have more) but so far after many tries I always end up with an error message “unable to restore, pls try again later”.

Its been almost a month I’m in regular contacts with Apple Support but so far I haven’t received any valuable option to retrieve the lost data.

Any idea?

I have another Mac Book Pro that I haven’t connected to the internet since Jan’24 and I was hoping to at least get my ICloud Drive folder from back then, but when I open the Mac (with no internet connection to avoid a sync), the Documents folder shows entirely empty.

No iOs backups contained any iCloud drive data (and it’s normal, but the Apple Support person didn’t know that).

Any additional idea I could try?

On my other MacBook Pro not connected since Jan’24, the storage page in General Settings shows that I have 10Gb+ of data in there but I have no way to access it - is there a place where a hidden image of ICloud Drive folder is stored? (I don’t have any ICloud (Archive) folder anywhere unfortunately).

We still can’t explain how the deletion happen, and I’m running out of option :(

MacBook Pro 13″, macOS 13.6

Publiée le 9 janv. 2025 à 14h00

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Data loss on icloud - file restore not working

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