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App-specific passwords 2 step authentication

Hello all,

When using Apple's 2 step authentication, some third-party applications need an app specific password to be created.

Can I use the same password for a specific app on different devices ?

For example, I use Fantastical on an iPad, an iPhone and a MacBook Air, all connected to the same iCloud account. Can I use the same app specific password on all these three devices for Fantastical?


Publiée le 28 mars 2017 à 07h02

Question marquée comme Meilleure réponse

Publiée le 28 mars 2017 à 09h57

Yes you can use the same password, as long as it's for the same app.

Like the names says, it's an app specific password 😉

Here's a quick link about how to manage these: Using app-specific passwords - Apple Support

1 réponse

App-specific passwords 2 step authentication

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