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Den schwarzen Vorhang der globalen Navigation mit StyleSheets unterdrücken

Zuletzt geändert: 16. Feb. 2023 10:56
1 99 Zuletzt geändert 16. Feb. 2023 10:56

Wenn wir auf den Seiten der Apple Communities unterwegs sind, fällt vom oberen Bildrand oft ein schwarzer Vorhang mit den links zum Apple Store herunter, der recht irritierend ist, wenn wir nur mit dem Zeiger die Tabs erreichen wollten.

Dieser kann mit Style Sheets mit der Stylus extension (Erweiterung) abgestellt werden, zumindest in Chrome oder Firefox.

Vom Benutzer elcpu im englischen Mutterforum habe ich diese Anleitung erhalten:

"For those that want to get rid of the new flyout curtain on the new “discussions” webpages the following is an overview. This applies to Chrome (Mac or PC) but should be similar on other browsers except Safari (different process there).

Type "Stylus extension" on your browser and download the extension 

(can be easily removed if you don't like it).

  • Click on the Extensions icon on the right of the Chrome address bar and pin Stylus, an S will appear on the bar.
  • Go to the start of the german Discussion forum pages Offizielle Apple Support Community, click on the S, and under "Write Style for" click on “”. The Stylus extension Editor will appear.
  • On the right lower panel of the editor click at the end of the line /* Insert code here… */ to create open space and copy/paste the following code:

.title {font-size: 21px !important;} /* Reduce title font size */
.own-answer {padding: 20px !important;} /* Reduce padding around author post */
/*.globalnav-content {display: none !important;}*/ /* Suppress menu */
/*.globalnav-flyout-scroll-container {display: none !important;}*/ /* Suppress flyout menu */ 
.globalnav-submenu-trigger-group {display: none !important;} /* Suppress flyouts */

The first two lines are not needed to get rid of the flyouts and can be skipped. However they reduce the font size of the Title which I find beneficial.

Make sure to leave the bracket symbol } on the last line (it is there by default).

Important > click on Save and name the style as you wish or leave the default name.

That style will apply to the discussion sites. It will not apply to (you can still shop normally) or to any other websites. If for whatever the reason you don't like this, delete the specific style or the whole extension.

This results in the Global Navigation bar shown in the picture below with active drop downs on click for the Apple, Search and Bag icons (no flyouts there). It suppresses the other icons which have the instant hover flyouts.

The code above should also work with the KB “support” websites when they also display the flyouts (those pages have not been updated at this time). One would have to go to the Stylus editor again and add “" to the applicable domains.

There is a reason why I left the 3rd and 4th lines as comments. "

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