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Somebody can help me to find the way how to kick out the old ID Itune after i bought in second hand my IPHONE 6 S plus ?

HI everybody,

I bought an Iphone 6 s Plus by ebayand when i received the Iphone it start normally and after the page where it asked you about the network, i find a page to tell me your tel is locked with the another Itunes account please advise or connect you with your password and ID but I havn't any password, i was scare and pay to ***.** the test to know if it sole or blacklisted but look over evrything is fine the test was green in every points, somebody could help to bypass and install my Apple ID inside my phone because it s my phone since i pay by ebay. Thank you for your help

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iPhone 6s Plus, iOS 10.2.1, null

Gepostet am 08. März 2017 20:33

2 Antworten

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Somebody can help me to find the way how to kick out the old ID Itune after i bought in second hand my IPHONE 6 S plus ?

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