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iPhone camera app switches off when/after taking photo

Some odd behaviour crept up after the 17. October (last time it didn't show that problem). When I try to take a photo with the back camera the camera app closes when I "push the trigger", either before taking a photo or shortly after. In some cases it switches off the app, sometimes the screen also goes black (but on pressing home button coming back).

Weird thing is, video, slo-mo, time lapse all work without shutting down the camera app.

iOS 13.1.3, iPhone 7

iPhone 7, iOS 13

Gepostet am 25. Okt. 2019 08:51

Frage gekennzeichnet als Höchstrangige Antwort

Gepostet am 25. Okt. 2019 11:44

Fixed the problem by switching iPhone completely off and on again.

1 Antwort

iPhone camera app switches off when/after taking photo

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