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WD MY Book not visible under catalina

Hi all, I bought a WD My Book 8TB today

after connecting power supply and USB cable both of my Macs (Macbook Pro 19 and iMac 2017) both updated to catalina 10.15.2) do not show the drive in finder - BUT I can see the WD in "über diesen Mac" --> Systembericht --> USB

When I open Disk Utility (Festplattendienstprogramm) it also does not show the WD drive

I just want to re-format the drive to use it as standard USB external drive (no MyCloud or such)

Any ideas ??

On the box of WD macos compatibility was marked, but only up to high sierra (I assume when shipped, Catalina was not out)

MacBook Pro 15”, macOS 10.15

Gepostet am 21. Dez. 2019 20:45


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22. Dez. 2019 10:33 als Antwort auf Darmstadt-Dude

The problem seem to be, that the driver/app from your WD My Book are not updated to Catalina (no more 32bit). In this linked thread they discuss this issue. You'll find in the link the new Catalina app WD Discovery, that has helped in most cases.

From release notes: "WD Discovery 3.5.152 -- 2019-10-23

  • Fix for WD Discovery install and MCH mount issues on OSX 10.15.


Just install it and then plug your drive. It should be recognised then. And you will be able to install a crypto password if you like.

If not, then sorry, than that was not helpful for you. :)


22. Dez. 2019 10:37 als Antwort auf Wanra

Or try directly the universal firmware updater, same link a little bit lower:


This Universal Firmware Updater automatically detects and installs the latest firmware update available for your hard drive.

Supported Operating Systems

  • OSX 10.09 and later


  1. Disconnect all other external drives from the computer except one My Book or My Passport.
  2. Download to your desktop.
  3. Extract the file using an extraction utility.
  4. Once extracted, double-click on the file named WDFirmwareUpdater.dmg
  5. Open the DMG from the Desktop and double-click on the WD Firmware Updater application.
  6. Click "Continue."
  7. Click "Accept" on EULA.
  8. Please wait a few minutes until the required update modules are downloaded.
  9. If the drive displayed is the correct drive, click "Continue."
  10. Please wait a few minutes while your drive’s firmware is updated.
  11. Click "Exit."
  12. Safely remove the volume, then remove the USB and power cable. Wait 10 seconds and then connect the power cable and USB cable.
  13. Reboot your computer.

Applicable Products

My Book, My Book for Mac, My Book Duo, My Book Pro, My Book, My Book Duo, My Passport Ultra Metal, My Passport Ultra (WD Backup), My Passport, My Passport SSD, My Passport Ultra, My Passport Ultra (USB-C), My Passport Ultra for Mac (USB-C), My Passport Go

Link here:



21. Dez. 2019 22:18 als Antwort auf Darmstadt-Dude

From the WD board:

"Here’s a link to the WD security download for Mac: 2.4k

Install WD security and run the app. When prompted, plugin your Passport. It will then prompt you to enter your Passport password. From there, you’ll be greeted with options to update your security settings which include options to (1) remove your password, (2) set a new password, (3) add auto-unlock to your computer, and a few other items.

Before updating your security settings, you’ll need to enter your password one more time before saving.

I just did this and my drive works again on Catalina!"


25. Dez. 2019 11:49 als Antwort auf Wanra

Hi Wanra, I am really grateful for your support - and I believe it would have worked.

But all Utilities ask me for "the passwort" - that I don't know. I called, I run with a spyglass throug device, the box it came with, all scraps of paper it was accompanied by ... no clue. I even tried to "guess" a password

Now I decided to return the drive - hopefully the reseller will take it and return my money

Cheers and merry Christmas to you,



WD MY Book not visible under catalina

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