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When will macOS Photos fully support videos in slideshows again?

Since Catalina, macOS Photos skips videos in slideshows in nearly all themes except Classic and Magazine.

Does anybody know, when this will be fixed? Or any workaround (except using only those two themes)?

Best Regards, pg

@Mod: Please move to Catalina - I posted this in High Sierra by accident.

MacBook Pro 13", macOS 10.15

Gepostet am 14. Mai 2020 09:40

Frage gekennzeichnet als Höchstrangige Antwort

Gepostet am 14. Mai 2020 20:34

pg, Apple does never announce bug fixes in advance. The best you could do, would be to send a feature request to Apple using the feedback form and request a bug fix. If more users are sending feedback about the problem, apple might give priority to this problem.

The form is here: Feedback - Photos - Apple

I do not mind so much that the more elaborate slideshow themes are currently broken, because I would not use them anyway. All the fancy animations are very distracting, and the audience cannot watch the photos and videos properly. I want my audience to be impressed by my photos, not by the fancy animations.

4 Antworten
Frage gekennzeichnet als Höchstrangige Antwort

14. Mai 2020 20:34 als Antwort auf _pg_

pg, Apple does never announce bug fixes in advance. The best you could do, would be to send a feature request to Apple using the feedback form and request a bug fix. If more users are sending feedback about the problem, apple might give priority to this problem.

The form is here: Feedback - Photos - Apple

I do not mind so much that the more elaborate slideshow themes are currently broken, because I would not use them anyway. All the fancy animations are very distracting, and the audience cannot watch the photos and videos properly. I want my audience to be impressed by my photos, not by the fancy animations.

When will macOS Photos fully support videos in slideshows again?

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