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Video transfer from mac to iphone cannot be viewed properly on iphone

Hello there, a fully functioning, short video is supposed to be transfered from mac to iphone. Airdrop was used. On iphone the clip has proper soundtrack, however shows still pictures in one second intervals only. Several other options of transfer (email / cloud transfer) show the same result.

Gepostet am 01. Feb. 2021 15:08

Frage gekennzeichnet als Beste Antwort

Gepostet am 03. Feb. 2021 11:15

Solution found: the Video editor which created the initial video used hardware acceleration when working on that video. Doing the same task without hardware acceleration resulted in a file which did everything as desired, keeping all functions working fine also after transfer to iphone. (video editor was iSkysoft filmora9).

3 Antworten
Frage gekennzeichnet als Beste Antwort

03. Feb. 2021 11:15 als Antwort auf IvanoFrank

Solution found: the Video editor which created the initial video used hardware acceleration when working on that video. Doing the same task without hardware acceleration resulted in a file which did everything as desired, keeping all functions working fine also after transfer to iphone. (video editor was iSkysoft filmora9).

01. Feb. 2021 19:18 als Antwort auf IvanoFrank

Hey IvanoFrank,

I suggest you re-post your entire question on the English language support community. This question is pretty specialized and you are more likely to find somebody there who is familiar with your problem and who can communicate about it in English. You will get a more speedy response, in English, from a larger community that's active 24/7.


Have a nice day!

Video transfer from mac to iphone cannot be viewed properly on iphone

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