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"Keychain Access" throws exception when pasting a copied "web form password"

Hi Apple-community,

I've found a bug in "Keychain":

If you copy a "web form password" (by right-click on the entry, then clicking on 'Copy "NAME"') and then paste it (menu "Edit -> Paste"), this error-message window appears:

> Keychain Access — Unexpected Error

> An unexpected error has occurred that may cause Keychain Access to malfunction. You may want to quit the Keychain Access application.

> Error: *** -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:]: object cannot be nil (key: u_Keychain)

  1. Does this also occur on newest MacOS-versions? (Currently I'm at Catalina).
  2. Is there an issue-tracker where to report this? Don't know if it reaches the developers here.



Gepostet am 17. Feb. 2022 14:51

Frage gekennzeichnet als Beste Antwort

Gepostet am 17. Feb. 2022 15:03

Thanks "defaultstandard" for the quick answer. I've sent the bug-report now under Feedback - macOS - Apple.

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2 Antworten

"Keychain Access" throws exception when pasting a copied "web form password"

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