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how do i obtain a larger filename input field in save as dialog window

No matter where I want to save a file (numbers, Adobe CC, ...) the filename input field is very small (approx. 32 characters long). In former MacOS versions this field expanded while resizing (enlarging) the save as dialog window. That means that I cannot see the end of the filename until I click into that field and use the cursor to the very end to see the last characters of the filename.



Gepostet am 25. Feb. 2022 15:48

Frage gekennzeichnet als Höchstrangige Antwort

Gepostet am 25. Feb. 2022 16:17

Instead of the arrow keys you can also use the keyboard shortcuts ctrl-E to jump to the end of the name field and ctrl-A to jump to the start of the filename field.

But there does not seem to be way to enlarge the filename field.

You may want to send a feature request to Apple using the feedback field; the feedback form is here: Feedback - Photos - Apple

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1 Antwort
Frage gekennzeichnet als Höchstrangige Antwort

25. Feb. 2022 16:17 als Antwort auf jan_jen_69

Instead of the arrow keys you can also use the keyboard shortcuts ctrl-E to jump to the end of the name field and ctrl-A to jump to the start of the filename field.

But there does not seem to be way to enlarge the filename field.

You may want to send a feature request to Apple using the feedback field; the feedback form is here: Feedback - Photos - Apple

how do i obtain a larger filename input field in save as dialog window

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