EtreCheckPro version: 6.6 (66014)
Report generated: 2022-05-09 22:37:46
Download EtreCheckPro from
Runtime: 2:56
Performance: Excellent
Problem: No problem - just checking
Major Issues: None
Minor Issues:
These issues do not need immediate attention but they may indicate future problems or opportunities for improvement.
No Time Machine backup - Time Machine backup not found.
High battery cycle count - Your battery may be losing capacity.
Unsigned files - There are unsigned software files installed. These files could be old, incompatible, and cause problems. They should be reviewed.
x86-only Apps - This computer has x86-only apps might not work on future versions of the operating system.
Limited drive access - More information may be available with Full Drive Access.
Hardware Information:
MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2016)
MacBook Pro Model: MacBookPro13,3
2,6 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 (i7-6700HQ) CPU: 4-core
16 GB RAM - Not upgradeable
BANK 0/DIMM0 - 8 GB LPDDR3 2133
BANK 1/DIMM0 - 8 GB LPDDR3 2133
Battery: Health = Normal - Cycle count = 785
Video Information:
Intel HD Graphics 530 - VRAM: 1536 MB
AMD Radeon Pro 450 - VRAM: 2 GB
Color LCD (built-in) 3360 x 2100
disk0 - APPLE SSD SM0256L 251.00 GB (Solid State - TRIM: Yes)
Internal PCI-Express 8.0 GT/s x4 NVM Express
disk0s1 - EFI [EFI] 315 MB
disk0s2 [APFS Container] 250.69 GB
disk1 [APFS Virtual drive] 250.69 GB (Shared by 6 volumes)
disk1s1 - M******************n (APFS) [APFS Virtual drive] (Shared - 111.08 GB used)
disk1s2 - Preboot (APFS) [APFS Preboot] (Shared - 334 MB used)
disk1s3 - Recovery (APFS) [Recovery] (Shared - 1.11 GB used)
disk1s4 - VM (APFS) [APFS VM] (Shared - 1.07 GB used)
disk1s5 (APFS) [APFS Container] (Shared - 15.19 GB used)
disk1s5s1 - Macintosh HD (APFS) [APFS Snapshot] (Shared - 15.19 GB used)
disk1s6 - Update (APFS) (Shared - 872 KB used)
Mounted Volumes:
disk1s1 - M******************n [APFS Virtual drive]
250.69 GB (Shared - 111.08 GB used, 122.72 GB available, 121.76 GB free)
Mount point: /System/Volumes/Data
disk1s2 - Preboot [APFS Preboot]
250.69 GB (Shared - 334 MB used, 121.76 GB free)
Mount point: /System/Volumes/Preboot
disk1s4 - VM [APFS VM]
250.69 GB (Shared - 1.07 GB used, 121.76 GB free)
Mount point: /System/Volumes/VM
disk1s5s1 - Macintosh HD [APFS Snapshot]
250.69 GB (Shared - 15.19 GB used, 122.72 GB available, 121.76 GB free)
Mount point: /
Read-only: Yes
disk1s6 - Update
250.69 GB (Shared - 872 KB used, 121.76 GB free)
Mount point: /System/Volumes/Update
Interface lpss-serial1: LPSS Serial Adapter (1)
Interface lpss-serial2: LPSS Serial Adapter (2)
Interface en0: Wi-Fi
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
Interface en6: Bluetooth PAN
Interface bridge0: Thunderbolt Bridge
System Software:
macOS Monterey 12.3.1 (21E258)
Time since boot: Less than an hour
23 notifications
Gatekeeper: App Store and identified developers
System Integrity Protection: Enabled
Antivirus software: Apple
Unsigned Files:
Launchd: /Library/LaunchAgents/
Executable: /Library/Printers/Brother/Utilities/Server/
Details: Exact match found in the legitimate list - probably OK
Apps: 2
Old Applications:
14 x86-only apps
System Launch Daemons:
[Not Loaded] 37 Apple tasks
[Loaded] 199 Apple tasks
[Running] 144 Apple tasks
[Other] One Apple task
System Launch Agents:
[Not Loaded] 14 Apple tasks
[Loaded] 202 Apple tasks
[Running] 140 Apple tasks
Launch Daemons:
[Loaded] com.adobe.ARMDC.Communicator.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2022-01-08)
[Loaded] com.adobe.ARMDC.SMJobBlessHelper.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2022-01-08)
[Loaded] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2022-04-22)
[Loaded] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2022-04-22)
[Loaded] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2022-05-09)
Launch Agents:
[Other] com.adobe.ARMDCHelper.cc24aef4a1b90ed56a725c38014c95072f92651fb65e1bf9c8e43c37a23d420d.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2022-01-08)
[Other] (Not signed - installed 2015-03-12)
[Loaded] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2022-04-22)
User Launch Agents:
[Loaded] (Google LLC - installed 2022-04-19)
[Loaded] (Google LLC - installed 2022-04-19)
User Login Items:
[Running] Android File Transfer Agent (Google, Inc. - installed 2021-10-11)
~/Library/Application Support/Google/Android File Transfer/Android File Transfer
Internet Plug-ins:
AdobePDFViewerNPAPI: 17.012.20098 (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2021-05-14)
ZoomUsPlugIn: 5.0.1 (23508.0430) (Zoom Video Communications, Inc. - installed 2020-05-06)
AdobePDFViewer: 21.001.20155 (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2021-05-14)
Time Machine Not Configured!
System Load: 0.76 (1 min ago) 1.16 (5 min ago) 1.58 (15 min ago)
Nominal I/O speed: 7.42 MB/s
File system: 27.95 seconds
Write speed: 1193 MB/s
Read speed: 2548 MB/s
CPU Usage Snapshot:
Type Overall
System: 4 %
User: 12 %
Idle: 85 %
Top Processes Snapshot by CPU:
Process (count) CPU (Source - Location)
EtreCheckPro 18.62 % (Etresoft, Inc.)
WindowServer 8.38 % (Apple)
kernel_task 4.76 % (Apple)
TouchBarServer 0.12 % (Apple) 0.02 % (Apple)
Top Processes Snapshot by Memory:
Process (count) RAM usage (Source - Location)
EtreCheckPro 654 MB (Etresoft, Inc.) (5) 366 MB (Apple)
Safari 145 MB (Apple)
mds_stores 120 MB (Apple)
WindowServer 112 MB (Apple)
Top Processes Snapshot by Network Use:
Process (count) Input / Output (Source - Location)
biometrickitd 88 KB / 161 KB (Apple)
mDNSResponder 52 KB / 51 KB (Apple) 28 KB / 18 KB (Apple)
trustd 30 KB / 4 KB (Apple)
tipsd 33 KB / 1002 B (Apple)
Top Processes Snapshot by Energy Use:
Process (count) Energy (0-100) (Source - Location)
fseventsd 29 (Apple)
WindowServer 3 (Apple)
opendirectoryd 2 (Apple)
photolibraryd 1 (Apple)
cloudd (2) 1 (Apple)
Virtual Memory Information:
Physical RAM: 16 GB
Free RAM: 8.20 GB
Used RAM: 3.93 GB
Cached files: 3.87 GB
Available RAM: 12.07 GB
Swap Used: 0 B
Software Installs (past 60 days):
Install Date Name (Version)
2022-03-15 Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (22.001.20085) (22.001.20085)
2022-03-15 GarageBand (10.4.6)
2022-03-20 XProtectPlistConfigData (2158)
2022-04-08 Numbers (12.0)
2022-04-08 Pages (12.0)
2022-04-08 Keynote (12.0)
2022-04-14 Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (22.001.20112) (22.001.20112)
2022-04-16 iMovie (10.3.2)
2022-04-17 macOS 12.3.1 (12.3.1)
2022-04-22 Microsoft AutoUpdate (4.46.22042001)
2022-04-22 Microsoft Office Licensing Helper (0)
2022-04-30 MRTConfigData (1.93)
2022-05-09 Microsoft Teams (1.00.509159)
Diagnostics Information (past 7-30 days):
2022-05-06 21:57:06 triald High CPU Use
Executable: /usr/libexec/triald
2022-05-03 21:34:54 signpost_reporter High CPU Use
Executable: /usr/libexec/signpost_reporter
End of report