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Is Apple "Digital Operational Resilience Act (EU DORA) ready or not?

I can´t seem to find any information if Apple in the EU is compliant or not.

Does anyone know where I could find some information about Apple and DORA.

"Digital Operational Resilience Act (EU DORA)" for 2024.



Gepostet am 18. Jan. 2024 09:59

1 Antwort

18. Jan. 2024 16:06 als Antwort auf Nenuco61

Hi Nenuco61,

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) was in the proposal stage by the European Union and was expected to be implemented in the coming years. DORA aims to enhance the operational resilience of the financial sector, including financial entities and certain third-party providers.

Since my information is not up-to-date beyond January 2022, I recommend checking the latest sources for updates on the status of DORA and Apple's compliance with it. You can refer to the official European Union websites, financial regulatory bodies, or Apple's official communications for the most recent and accurate information.

Keep in mind that compliance with such regulations may involve ongoing efforts and changes, so staying informed with the latest updates from relevant authorities and organizations is essential.



Is Apple "Digital Operational Resilience Act (EU DORA) ready or not?

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