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Apple Music native Integration on Bluesound devices


As there are many titles avlailable in HiRes now, I wonder why native Integration of Apple music is still not available on Bluesound devices.

I am not talking about the Airplay functionality, this is implemented since Bluesound launched their 2i models.

I mean a native Integration of Apple music as a music service. The Bluesound devices are able to play songs with high resolution up to 24 Bit / 192 kHz.

the AirPlay Solution does not provide the Transfer and handling of HiRes Audio.

Any short-term plans here, Apple?

I know that many Bluesound users are waiting for this integration for some years now (including me).

Following on Bluesound discussion boards, it‘s Apple‘s task now to make it possible.

It would be a great chance to listen to Apple Music HiRes Music on devices that are capable in handling these audio formats and that provide a brilliant audio quality.

Any thoughts on this one?

Gepostet am 11. Sept. 2024 15:52


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Apple Music native Integration on Bluesound devices

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