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Synchronisation Game Center avec des Jeux

Bonsoir, je n'arrive pas à synchroniser Game Center avec Clash Of Clan

Publiée le 31 mai 2017 à 22h31

2 réponses

Le 1 juin 2017 à 17h58 en réponse à Keke


Etes-vous connecter dans Réglages > Game Center ?

D'apres la communauté COC :

Lost your village?

If you lost your village for some reason, there's a chance that you can restore it yourself. However, if you DID NOT CONNECT YOUR VILLAGE TO GAME CENTER then there is no way to restore your village. If you did, please try these steps:

  1. Delete Clash of Clans from your device .
  2. Log out from Facebook and Game Center from your device.
  3. Restart your device .
  4. Log in to your previous Game Center account (which you used when you played your village on old device or pre-restore).
  5. Re-install Clash of Clans from App Store.
  6. Launch Clash of Clans .
  7. You should get the pop-up asking if you want to load your old village and the town hall level of that village.

Synchronisation Game Center avec des Jeux

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