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Synching two Macs so that the actions and documents are exactly the same


is it possible to sync two macs to be absolute redundant? I don't mean just the Drives, I also mean the programs that are running etc. Meaning mouse and keyboard-actions have to be the same on both machines, when using one mouse&keyboard. I need this for a live broadcast environment to make sure that everything keeps running, if one machine loses power or sth.

[Betreff vom Community Specialist bearbeitet]

Gepostet am 06. Aug. 2020 14:50

Frage gekennzeichnet als Beste Antwort

Gepostet am 08. Aug. 2020 09:41

Hello, soundflows.

Thanks for posting your question in the Apple Support Communities. We have a Community for English speakers here:

Please feel free to join and post your question there, or repost your question in German here:

Have a nice day!

4 Antworten
Frage gekennzeichnet als Beste Antwort

08. Aug. 2020 09:41 als Antwort auf soundflows

Hello, soundflows.

Thanks for posting your question in the Apple Support Communities. We have a Community for English speakers here:

Please feel free to join and post your question there, or repost your question in German here:

Have a nice day!

Synching two Macs so that the actions and documents are exactly the same

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