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USB Stick as startvolume

I have a MacBook Pro (A1286). I replaced the defect SSD with a new one, and would like to boot from a prepared USB Stick with 10.11 El Capitan. However the stick starts to run, then the screen turns black and back grey again, and that was it.

Any hints, why the start process does not finish?


MacBook Pro (2020 and later)

Gepostet am 21. Apr. 2021 18:16


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5 Antworten

21. Apr. 2021 18:29 als Antwort auf Gustav-Bernhard

Hey Bernhard,

reboot from the USB stick until

but before start installing open "Terminal" (its in the main menu on top)

enter "date 071015002016" which will reset the current date to "October 7th, 2016" confirm with enter key.

Having done so open disk utility, delete your new SSD MacOs extended journaled and start installation.

I bet it'll work 🙂

Have fun and best regards


USB Stick as startvolume

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