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MacBook Pro 2014 not charging - SMC reset helps

My MacBook is no longer charging (no green led on MagSafe adapter). I can fix the problem by resetting SMC but the problem occurs right after I unplug MagSafe again.

Any idea for a persistent fix?

MacBook Pro 15″, macOS 11.6

Gepostet am 01. Nov. 2021 23:04

7 Antworten

03. Nov. 2021 06:22 als Antwort auf reto67

You can check the status of your battery by bringing up the system report:


Follow these steps to access information about your Mac notebook battery, including its cycle count:

  1. Hold the Option key and click the Apple menu , then choose System Information.
  2. Under the Hardware section of the System Information window, select Power. The current cycle count is listed under the Battery Information section.


copied from: Determine battery cycle count for Mac notebooks - Apple Support

Or do this:


Check battery health

You can check the health of your battery in Battery preferences or the Battery status menu:

  • In macOS Big Sur or later, choose Apple menu  > System Preferences, click Battery, select Battery in the sidebar, then click Battery Health.
  • In macOS Catalina or earlier, hold the Option key and click the battery icon in the menu bar to reveal the battery status menu.

You'll see one of the following status indicators:

  • Normal: The battery is functioning normally. 
  • Service Recommended: The battery's ability to hold charge is less than when it was new or it isn't functioning normally. You can safely continue to use your Mac but you should take it to an Apple Store or Apple-authorized service provider to get your battery evaluated.

To get service on your battery, contact Apple.


copied from: Get help with your Mac notebook battery - Apple Support

02. Nov. 2021 08:45 als Antwort auf reto67

Did you already check the health status of your built in battery? Depending on the use of your device, it might be time to get the battery replaced by Apple or an authorized Apple Service Provider next to you place:

Mac Repair - Official Apple Support

Mac Zentrale für Servicefragen – Apple Support

Apple - Find Locations

Apple – Geschäfte suchen

MacBook Pro 2014 not charging - SMC reset helps

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