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ARKit object tracking without ARKit Scanner

Is there any way to use object tracking in ARKit without the ARKit Scanner? There are some solutions on the market (that are quite expensive) that allow the usage of 3d models / cad models for tracking.

will this be possible in future releases of ARKit?

is there anyway to do this already?

my problem with ARKit scanner is that my object looks very different depending on lighting condition and therefor tracking will not always work. - thank you

Gepostet am 29. Aug. 2023 22:00

Frage gekennzeichnet als Beste Antwort

Gepostet am 29. Aug. 2023 22:25

Hello jonathan265

this is the german Apple Support Community.

In order to get the best possible answer to your question I would like to recommend to ask your question in the Apple Developer Forums.

Apple Developer Forums

1 Antwort

ARKit object tracking without ARKit Scanner

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