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Why is the support page from Apple only in German

There are millions of people who although living in germany, want to access the content of your support page in ENGLISH. The website doesn't allow it though.

Why is this "feature" active? let us choose the language!

Gepostet am 26. Sept. 2023 12:03

Frage gekennzeichnet als Beste Antwort

Gepostet am 28. Sept. 2023 15:29

Hi patricio65,

In every country all of the informations listed on the official support pages are exactly the same. I suggest you oben the link in German and then edit the link afterwards like this:

Maybe this is useful to, you can get to the English Apple Community here:



3 Antworten
Frage gekennzeichnet als Beste Antwort

28. Sept. 2023 15:29 als Antwort auf patricio65

Hi patricio65,

In every country all of the informations listed on the official support pages are exactly the same. I suggest you oben the link in German and then edit the link afterwards like this:

Maybe this is useful to, you can get to the English Apple Community here:



28. Sept. 2023 15:38 als Antwort auf patricio65


Thank you for posting in the Apple Support Community. I totally understand your concern. It seems Apple might be auto-setting the language based on location, but it would be beneficial if they allowed users to manually select their preferred language.

We have a community for English here: Since you’ve posted in English, we’d be happy to see you join us there.

I'd recommend reaching out to Apple directly or using browser translation tools in the meantime. Hope they address this soon! 😊


Why is the support page from Apple only in German

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