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Numbers ignores marked "Open with Touch ID" screen and insists on password

Am in today's latest patch level of Sonoma. When I open a password protected file with Numbers it prompts for password despite the system being configured for Touch ID and the option is selected. It only fails on numbers, everything else works..

MacBook Pro 13″, macOS 14.0

Gepostet am 29. Sept. 2023 21:12

Frage gekennzeichnet als Beste Antwort

Gepostet am 30. Sept. 2023 07:01

Thanks for posting your question in the Apple Support Communities. We have a Community for English speakers here: Official Apple Support Community

Please feel free to join and post your question there, or repost your question in German here: Offizielle Apple Support Community

Have a nice day!

1 Antwort
Frage gekennzeichnet als Beste Antwort

30. Sept. 2023 07:01 als Antwort auf monicaPeWe

Thanks for posting your question in the Apple Support Communities. We have a Community for English speakers here: Official Apple Support Community

Please feel free to join and post your question there, or repost your question in German here: Offizielle Apple Support Community

Have a nice day!

Numbers ignores marked "Open with Touch ID" screen and insists on password

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