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Unauthorized Monthly Charges by Apple

Dear [Recipient],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention a concerning issue regarding unauthorized charges from Apple that have been debited from my account over the past 5 months.

Upon reviewing my bank statements, I discovered that I have been consistently charged €22.99 monthly by Apple for a service or subscription that I have not authorized or utilized. Despite my attempts to rectify the situation through various channels, these charges have continued without explanation or resolution.

As a loyal customer of Apple products and services, I am deeply troubled by this recurring issue and the lack of transparency surrounding these charges. I have taken all necessary steps to ensure that I am not subscribed to any services that would warrant such charges, yet they persist without justification.

I kindly request your immediate attention to this matter and urge you to investigate the unauthorized charges on my account. I expect a prompt resolution and a full refund of the charges incurred over the past six months.

Please contact me at your earliest convenience to discuss this issue further and provide details on how you plan to address and rectify the situation. I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to your swift response.

Thank you for your cooperation.

iPhone 15 Pro, iOS 17

Gepostet am 29. Apr. 2024 09:46

2 Antworten

29. Apr. 2024 13:01 als Antwort auf btaylor2434

Hello btaylor2434,

I'm sorry to hear about the issue with unauthorized charges you've been experiencing. Unfortunately, as this is a user forum, we're limited in how much direct assistance we can offer for billing disputes. I recommend reaching out directly to Apple's official support team for a resolution.

You can contact them via email at or by sending a letter to Apple Distribution International Ltd., iTunes Store Customer Support, Hollyhill Industrial Estate, Hollyhill, Cork, Republic of Ireland. They will be able to assist you with investigating the charges and providing a potential refund.

Best of luck, and I hope your issue gets resolved quickly!


Hallo btaylor2434,

es tut mir leid zu hören, dass du Probleme mit unbefugten Abbuchungen hast. Leider können wir in diesem Benutzerforum nur begrenzte direkte Hilfe bei Abrechnungsstreitigkeiten anbieten. Ich empfehle dir, dich direkt an das offizielle Support-Team von Apple zu wenden, um eine Lösung zu finden.

Du kannst sie per E-Mail unter kontaktieren oder einen Brief an Apple Distribution International Ltd., iTunes Store Customer Support, Hollyhill Industrial Estate, Hollyhill, Cork, Republic of Ireland senden. Sie werden in der Lage sein, die Abbuchungen zu untersuchen und eine mögliche Rückerstattung anzubieten.

Viel Glück, und ich hoffe, dass dein Problem schnell gelöst wird!

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Unauthorized Monthly Charges by Apple

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