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FTP access error from Safari in IOS / MAC after updating os.


I have a FTP Server where the users can access to files using links dinamically generated in a website. The link url follows the pattern ftp://user:password@host/path/to/file

With the new IOS and new MAC OS, users cannot access the FTP. They get a "don't have permission to open <filename>"

Surprisingly, in a MAC using contextual menu->download attached file over the link will download the file.

Any Iphone or MAC in previous versions can download the files normally.

A deep sight in FTP logs confirms credentials are not sent by Safari.

Using any other explorer (Chrome, Firefox) users can download, in Iphone/Mac as well.

Forcing users to a external app is not an option.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance


iPhone 6 Plus, iOS 11.2, null

Publicado el 13/12/2017 09:08 a. m.


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FTP access error from Safari in IOS / MAC after updating os.

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