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Export Outlook contacts to iCloud? or Import Outlook contacts to iCloud?

I need to move my Outlook contacts to my iCloud contacts.

It seems like I can only export the outlook contacts as an .olm file.

My understanding is that this .olm file now needs to be converted to Vcard file to be imported into iCloud, or?

If so, how do I convert the .olm file?

Or is there another way to get the Outlook contacts to iCloud?

I'm on a Mac and using Outlook Legacy version.

Because when i was on the new Outlook version, the import/export functions were "greyed" out so they were inaccessible.

Going appreciated!

MacBook Air 15″

Publiée le 22 janv. 2025 à 15h48

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Export Outlook contacts to iCloud? or Import Outlook contacts to iCloud?

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