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Find clips with scale or position effects

Hello, I'm working with sync files and, during the editing, i've changed some of the position and scale of those synced files.

Now I have to sent the XML to color grading and, since I need to have my original proxy files in the timeline instead of the synced ones, so that the color grading team can link the XML to the original camera files, I have to be able to break apart the synced files clips and keep those position and scale values in the original proxy files without having to copy and past that manually one by one.

Or, at least, I need to find an easy way to know which synced clips in my timeline have those changed position and scale values so that I can copy those attributes from those specific synced files, break their clips apart and past those attributes in the original proxy files, without having to look at the inspector tranform values of each clip one by one.

Can anyone help me? Thanks!

Publicado em 2/08/2024 13:24

1 resposta
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Find clips with scale or position effects

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