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Mime Attachments seit iOS13 nicht zu öffnen

Seit dem Softwareupdate auf iOS diese Woche lassen sich im Mailprogramm keine mime Anhänge mehr öffnen.

das iPhone öffnet nach Click auf die Datei nur ein Pop-up, wo Programme geöffnet werden können.

Vielen Dank

LG Stefan

iPhone XS

Gepostet am 28. Sept. 2019 01:51

Frage gekennzeichnet als Höchstrangige Antwort

Gepostet am 03. Okt. 2019 10:51

@Apple .....I hope you fix this soon as a lot of people send around MS exchange mail attachments as mime files ! In addition and as an upgrade from the previous iOS mail version it would be great if you not only show the first level content of a mime attachment but also allow to open any additional file attached to e.g. an exchange email (pdf etc...) packed into a mime. In the previous iOS version this second level of content was not accessible. If the Apple iPad strives to be a serious business tool this stuff has to fixed fast (especially in light of Microsoft releasing the Surface Pro X)

2 Antworten
Frage gekennzeichnet als Höchstrangige Antwort

03. Okt. 2019 10:51 als Antwort auf counter50

@Apple .....I hope you fix this soon as a lot of people send around MS exchange mail attachments as mime files ! In addition and as an upgrade from the previous iOS mail version it would be great if you not only show the first level content of a mime attachment but also allow to open any additional file attached to e.g. an exchange email (pdf etc...) packed into a mime. In the previous iOS version this second level of content was not accessible. If the Apple iPad strives to be a serious business tool this stuff has to fixed fast (especially in light of Microsoft releasing the Surface Pro X)

Mime Attachments seit iOS13 nicht zu öffnen

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