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Pages - Search/replace function for control characters not easily possible

With Pages from version 10 on (maybe even earlier) it is no longer possible to define the search area for search and replace with control characters like New Line by copying the corresponding text section into the Search(/Replace) window. You have to use the appropriate escape sequences in the search or replace field, i.e. \n (paragraph, input with Alt+Enter)), \t (TAB, input with Alt+Tab). Unfortunately I did not find a control character for New Line.

iMac 27″, macOS 10.13

Gepostet am 19. Juli 2020 16:50

Frage gekennzeichnet als Höchstrangige Antwort

Gepostet am 19. Juli 2020 17:07

Details finden sich auch auf https://discussions.apple.com/thread/8660630

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Pages - Search/replace function for control characters not easily possible

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