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I have not been able to update the software of my MacBook Air because I have no space in my memory, I need to empty it a bit, I have already deleted the temporary files and other files, I need help. Thanks.

I have not been able to update the software of my MacBook Air because I have no space in my memory, I need to empty it a bit, I have already deleted the temporary files and other files, I need help. Thanks.

Publicado el 16/04/2021 10:28 p. m.

Pregunta marcada como Respuesta mejor clasificada

Publicado el 17/04/2021 05:34 a. m.


Cómo liberar espacio de almacenamiento en el Mac


1 respuesta

I have not been able to update the software of my MacBook Air because I have no space in my memory, I need to empty it a bit, I have already deleted the temporary files and other files, I need help. Thanks.

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