Artículo relacionado Solucionar alertas relacionadas con USB en iTunes

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ocurred (6). 068B.0006

The iPhone "iPhone" could not

be restored. An unknown error

ocurred (6). 068B.0006

iPhone XS Max, iOS 15

Publicado el 11/09/2022 04:16 a. m.

1 respuesta

11/09/2022 08:10 a. m. en respuesta a sulaiman176

That error could be your windows and iTunes it’s out of date and need to be update or your usb cable is not original , the third party software antivirus needs ti be deactivated, try all these troubleshooting and try to restore your iPhone again, see more info about that error in this link

iOS update and restore errors - Apple Support

ocurred (6). 068B.0006

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