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I can delete files from terminal but not from Finder

Suddenly I am unable to delete files (any file) from Finder... when I try to delete a file (even if I just created it) I get this error message:

But if I open a terminal window and remove the file manually then it works perfectly.

Any ideas about what is causing this ? I am sure is not a grants issue since I've tested granting 777 permissions to a file and the problem persists.

MacBook Pro (2017 – 2020)

Publicado el 2/07/2024 05:13 p. m.

5 respuestas
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3/07/2024 12:58 a. m. en respuesta a vespina

Buenos días vespina,

Lo primero de todo, Gracias por visitar la Comunidad de soporte de Apple en español.

Lo primero de todo ¿has mirado si el archivo está bloqueado? Sácalo al escritorio y revisa en "información" para ver si está activada o desactivada.

Te dejo algunas opciones para que pruebes:

1\ El modo seguro permite que tu Mac no cargue programas específicos durante el inicio, como ítems de inicio de sesión, extensiones del sistema no requeridas por macOS. Al usar el modo seguro, puedes comprobar si alguna app o programa interfiere con el correcto funcionamiento de la Papelera.

ℹ️ Arrancar el Mac en modo seguro - Soporte técnico de Apple (ES)

2\ Forzar vaciado de papelera (v1)

Encuentra el ícono de la Papelera en el Dock.

Mantén presionada la tecla Opción (u Opción-Mayús) y haz doble clic en el icono de la Papelera al mismo tiempo.

3\ Forzar vaciado de papelera (v2)

  • Abre Terminal — deberías poder encontrar esta herramienta en Utilidades > Terminal o usando la búsqueda Spotlight. 
  • Una vez que la Terminal esté abierta, escribe sudo rm seguido de un espacio y pulses Intro aún (es importante).
  • Ahora abre la Papelera en el Dock y arrastra y suelta los archivos que se encuentran dentro de la Papelera en la ventana de la Terminal.
  • Ahora presiona Intro.
  • Introduce tu contraseña para confirmar la acción y presiona Intro una vez más.
  • Ahora pulsa Intro para vaciar la Papelera.


First of all, thank you for visiting the Apple Support Community in Spanish.

If you can’t empty the Trash — or Bin — maybe it’s because your files are locked from deletion. Try if the Trash empties this time.

Some options for you to fix your trash:

1\ Safe mode allows your Mac not to load specific software, such as login items and system extensions not required by macOS, during startup. Using safe mode, you can check whether some app or software interferes with normal Trash functioning.

ℹ️ Boot your Mac in safe mode - Apple Support

2\ Force empty trash (v1)

  • Find the Trash icon in Dock.
  • Hold the Option key (or Option-Shift) and right-click the Trash icon.
  • Click Empty Trash.
  • Confirm when the pop-up window appears.

3\ Force empty trash (v2)

  • Open Terminal — you should be able to find this tool in Utilities > Terminal or using Spotlight search.
  • Once Terminal is open, type sudo rm followed by a space and hit Enter again (it's important).
  • Now open the Trash in the Dock and drag and drop the files inside the Trash into the Terminal window.
  • Now press Enter.
  • Enter your password to confirm the action and press Enter once again.
  • Now press Enter to empty the Trash.

Good luck!



4/07/2024 03:12 p. m. en respuesta a crazyalf

Alfonso, thanks for your answer. Regarding your suggestions:

  1. This problem applies to ALL files in all folders, even one that is just created by me. For example, I can go to any folder, create an empty folder (that will not be locked) and then try to delete it from Finder and I will get the error.
  2. Trash makes no difference to the problem. I've tried this before.
  3. Safe mode MAY work but, again, this is not a problem with a particular file; it happens with any file.


Victor Espina


5/07/2024 10:07 a. m. en respuesta a ozzie1910

Of course I am not trying to delete files from restricted folders; when I said "happens with any file and folder" that includes files/folder created under my user home directory. To be more specific, if I open finder, go to my desktop, documents or downloads folder, create an empty folder and then try to delete it or move it to the trash, I get the reported error... but if I open a terminal windows and use rm to remove the folder, it works perfectly... so it can't be anything related to access or the file/folder being flagged as locked.


I can delete files from terminal but not from Finder

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