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Can't set right setup for Razer keyboard

Recently I started using a Macbook Pro 2023 14" and I'm using my Razer Cynosa v2 with it. Right after I booted the Mac and started using it with my keyboard it I identified the keyboard type (which is US ANSI) and it seemed to work fine, until I needed to use the key for ` or ~ symbols, when I typed it then § or ± was written. Since my keyboard layout is the same as Mac's one I was expecting for it to work in the same way. I noticed that the configured layout on Mac has the § key, but damn, who ***** uses it?? 'Tis a ***** having to hold a key until the accent options appears. I'll attach the images of my keyboard and current layout configured on Mac. Does anyone knows how to solve this?

[Editado pelo Moderador]

Publicado em 18/06/2024 21:34

6 respostas

19/06/2024 10:28 em resposta a lunagl

lunagl escreveu:

Recently I started using a Macbook Pro 2023 14" and I'm using my Razer Cynosa v2 with it. Right after I booted the Mac and started using it with my keyboard it I identified the keyboard type (which is US ANSI) and it seemed to work fine, until I needed to use the key for ` or ~ symbols, when I typed it then § or ± was written. Since my keyboard layout is the same as Mac's one I was expecting for it to work in the same way. I noticed that the configured layout on Mac has the § key, but damn, who ***** uses it?? 'Tis a ***** having to hold a key until the accent options appears. I'll attach the images of my keyboard and current layout configured on Mac. Does anyone knows how to solve this?

[Editado pelo Moderador]

Olá, lunagl.

Pela foto, as posições das teclas são parecidas com o teclado do MacBook, nesse caso experimente usar o seguinte layout:


Nota: Não é a versão ABNT2.

Espero ter ajudado, tenha um bom dia.

19/06/2024 21:01 em resposta a dev-victorvaz

Obrigado pela dica, mas acabou que não precisei testá-la. Hoje ao ligar o Mac, magicamente ele estava funcionando como o esperado sem que eu fizesse qualquer ateração, usando o mesmo layout que anexei na imagem no post. Entrei nas configurações pra ver se algo tinha mudado e no mapa do teclado as teclas ` e \ haviam aparecido, com um detalhe para a ` que substituiu a tecla §. Enfim, não sei dizer qual foi a solução para caso alguém passe pelo mesmo problema, talvez alguma atualização que ocorreu em segundo plano (?).

Can't set right setup for Razer keyboard

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