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Apple Watch 5 no desbloquea el Mac

Buenas a todos, hace poco compre el Apple Watch 5, anteriormente tenia el 2. He visto que no puedo desbloquear el Mac con el Apple Watch 5 cosa que anteriormente con el 2 si podía, lo tengo todo actualizado y he seguido los procesos que apple pide para realizar el desbloqueo al Mac. cuando lo realizo me salta este error " El Mac no ha podido comunicarse con el Apple Watch" Alguno le ha pasado y si le han dado algún tipo de solución, gracias.

Apple Watch

Publicado el 30/09/2020 06:47 a. m.

Pregunta marcada como Respuesta mejor clasificada

Publicado el 25/10/2020 08:21 p. m.

No se si lo has solucionado, pero ayer después de configurar el iPhone 12 me empezó a pasar a mi.
Esto que encontré en los foros a mi me ha funcionado.
Había probado de todo. desenlazar, enlazar de nuevo, cambiar contraseñas, reinicios.....

I've finally fixed it! I found a bunch of errors related to "AutoUnlock" in the Console that was hinting to me that there was some invalid state on my Mac with keys and plists not being reset properly. 

Steps (follow at your own discretion)
1. Open "Keychain Access"
2. In "View", enable "Show Invisible Items"
3. Search for "Auto Unlock"
4. You should see a whole bunch of application passwords for "Auto Unlock: XXXX's ..."
5. Select all records and delete (this will reset/disable auto unlock on other Macs if you use multiple Macs)
6. Whilst still in "Keychain Access", search for "AutoUnlock" (no space)
7. There should be 4 entries for "tlk" "tlk-nonsync" "classA" "classC"
8. Select 4 records and delete (don't worry if they re-appear, the system repairs this automatically)
9. Open "Finder" and navigate to "~/Library/Sharing/AutoUnlock"
10. There should be two files "ltk.plist" and "pairing-records.plist"
11. Delete both files
12. Open "System Preferences" and try enabling auto unlock. You may need to enable it twice, the first attempt will fail

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4 respuestas
Pregunta marcada como Respuesta mejor clasificada

25/10/2020 08:21 p. m. en respuesta a alcon76

No se si lo has solucionado, pero ayer después de configurar el iPhone 12 me empezó a pasar a mi.
Esto que encontré en los foros a mi me ha funcionado.
Había probado de todo. desenlazar, enlazar de nuevo, cambiar contraseñas, reinicios.....

I've finally fixed it! I found a bunch of errors related to "AutoUnlock" in the Console that was hinting to me that there was some invalid state on my Mac with keys and plists not being reset properly. 

Steps (follow at your own discretion)
1. Open "Keychain Access"
2. In "View", enable "Show Invisible Items"
3. Search for "Auto Unlock"
4. You should see a whole bunch of application passwords for "Auto Unlock: XXXX's ..."
5. Select all records and delete (this will reset/disable auto unlock on other Macs if you use multiple Macs)
6. Whilst still in "Keychain Access", search for "AutoUnlock" (no space)
7. There should be 4 entries for "tlk" "tlk-nonsync" "classA" "classC"
8. Select 4 records and delete (don't worry if they re-appear, the system repairs this automatically)
9. Open "Finder" and navigate to "~/Library/Sharing/AutoUnlock"
10. There should be two files "ltk.plist" and "pairing-records.plist"
11. Delete both files
12. Open "System Preferences" and try enabling auto unlock. You may need to enable it twice, the first attempt will fail

Apple Watch 5 no desbloquea el Mac

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